"Sorry ~ my show!" -Simon Cowell

Friday, March 19, 2010

I just want to take a minute to say a few things to you, Little Audience.

All of your positive feedback has been very encouraging and it feels great to have made you laugh (out loud even). I was a little nervous about disappointing you though, after riding the Asshole wave. I've consulted my motivational blogga (butterflyanddog) and she says not to worry. So I am moving forward with my next draft and I want to warn you - it's not as funny by any means. But I promise you this: it serves the 3 purposes stated in the 'About Me' section to the right. Also, there will be more sarcasm and bashing of the human race in the near future.

And speaking of the future, I welcome topic suggestions and have already received some. Funny how great minds think alike - two suggestions were already in my draft-cache; they are hereditary craziness and American Idol, two things I happen to consider myself an expert on. And yes, pet peeves will be a recurring topic.

Until next time.... xo

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