"Sorry ~ my show!" -Simon Cowell

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well I seemed to have struck a nerve with some of you. TEE-HEE. ME LIKEY. You like to talk about what gets your goat, Little Audience!

When I mentioned a couple of my pet peeves on Facebook, y'all jumped right on the band wagon and talked about some of yours, from wire hangers to mispelled words to stupid people.

When I got a little more into it and posted my first blog entry, you got a little worked up! I heard about more pet peeves, including
  • phrases such as "it is what it is" and "just put it up"
  • when some idiot says "Valentimes Day"
  • attributing trivial things to God
  • when women throw themselves at me - what a pain in the ass! HEY, HOW'D THIS GET IN HERE?? . . . GEORGE!!!!
as well as some work-related peeves. And, uh, littering seems to be more than a pet peeve with quite a few of you. You actually loathe it with a bit of a passion. Understandably so.

You've enjoyed one of my peeves in particular... misuse of the word "literally". Over the last couple of weeks I've heard "literally" used correctly and sarcastically ~ combined, possibly more than I've heard it during my entire life... for realz. COULDN'T DO IT. TOO OBVIOUS. I heard that just this last week, good ol' Pat Sajak preached about misuse of this word from his great 'Wheel' platform! Thank you, Whomever among my Little Audience that forwarded my blog to Pat! Maybe next week he'll give a tip on raising an Asshole!

Today my funny work friend forwarded this:
Ha ha. Good times.

Of course, I've had time to think of more things that get under my skin:
  • unnecessarily using words to clarify letters (for example, it makes sense to say "s as in sam" because "s" can sound like "f". However, it is unnecessary to say "u like umbrella" or better yet "w like walrus". Hello???? Meet your alphabet ~ there is no other letter that sounds like "double-yoo"!)
  • on that same note ~ when it is necessary to use a word to clarify the letter, and you do something like this: "p like paul"... excuse me, Dumbass, was that "p like paul" or "t like tall"?? This is kind of defeating the purpose!
  • this is annoying: some customers are so proud of themselves for having their account number ready when they call, they insist on providing it. Pay attention to the syllables (but try to stay awake)...

customer: "Can you give me my account balance?"

me: "No problem. What's your address?"

customer: "Can I give you my account number?"

me: ".... sure"

customer (suddenly a droning robot):

ze-ro, ze-ro, ze-ro, two, sev-en, dash, ze-ro, ze-ro, three, eight,ze-ro,
five, dash, ze-ro, nine, sev-en"

I pull up the account for:

one-two-one Main Street

last (for this entry), but not least: the first pet peeve of mine
that I can remember ever having. When someone says "itch" in
place of "scratch" (they have an itch they want scratched
and they say "itch it"). Oh em gee. Get a life.

Well. I feel better.

until next time... xo

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